The Kinematic of Rigid Body Motion
In this section, we will explore the kinematics of rigid body motion, focusing on the study of the motion of objects that maintain a constant shape. Several comprehensive treatises have been published on this topic; however, our goal is to delve deeper, and we will take the time to derive each equation meticulously, even at the risk of appearing pedantic, to ensure clarity in every notation.
We will cover the following topics:
- Basic Properties of Orthogonal Transformations: We will outline some fundamental properties of orthogonal transformations within a vector space of dimension , which is endowed with a positively defined scalar product. This will include a discussion on how these transformations preserve lengths and angles between vectors, a key aspect of their role in rigid body motion.
- Rotations in Three Dimensions: We will then delve into the significant case of rotations in three-dimensional space. Here, we will explore how rotational matrices are constructed and how they relate to the concept of angular velocity and rotation axes.
- Infinitesimal Rotations: From our understanding of three-dimensional rotations, we will introduce the concept of infinitesimal rotation. This involves small-angle approximations and the use of skew-symmetric matrices to represent these small rotations. We will discuss their properties and how they are used to derive the equations of rigid motion.
- Transformation of Vectors Between Reference Frames: Building upon infinitesimal rotations, we will derive the general formula for transforming vectors between fixed and rotating reference frames. This section will cover how vectors change when observed from different frames and the mathematical framework needed for these transformations.
- Coriolis and Centrifugal Forces: Finally, we will end with the derivation of the Coriolis and centrifugal forces. These fictitious forces arise due to the rotation of the reference frame and are crucial for understanding the dynamics in rotating systems, such as the Earth atmosphere and ocean currents.
Orthogonal Transformations
- Definition: Orthogonal transformations are linear transformations that preserve the length of vectors, and play a crucial role in the theory of rigid body motion. A linear transformation of onto itself,is orthogonal if it preserves the length of a vector in both coordinate systems and in ,for all .
- Symmetry and Inverse: From the properties of matrices and scalar products, we can write the above equation aswhich results in,where is the identity matrix. The inverse of an orthogonal transformation is the transpose of the matrix itself. As a note: if the matrix had complex elements, then the transpose would be replaced by the conjugate transpose
- Orthogonality of rows and columns: Considering the rows and columns vectors and forming the matrix , we can write the above equation aswhich is equivalent to requiring that the rows and the columns vectors are a set of orthonormal vectors. The vectors represent the components of the unit vectors that define the direction of the coordinate axes in the rotated system, relative to the unit vectors of the reference system.
- Property of eigenvalues: The eigenvector corresponding to the eigenvalue , will preserve its length under the orthogonal transformationwhich implies that the eigenvalues are complex numbers on the complex unit circle of the form , and they always come in pair, as is an eigenvalue as well. If is even, then one eigenvalue is either +1 or -1.
- Property of eigenvectors: the eigenvectors and corresponding to different eigenvalues and are orthogonal to each other. The proof of this property is straightforward, as we can writewhich can only be true if as the eigenvalues are complex numbers on the unit circle different from zero.
- Property of determinant: From it follows that,which implies that the determinant of an orthogonal matrix is either or . As we will see in the next section, the former corresponds to proper rotations, while the latter corresponds to improper rotations or reflections.
- Interpretation of orthogonal transformation: It is important to note that an orthogonal transformation can be seen in either two ways,
- a passive transformation, where the components of the same vector are expressed in different bases
- an active transformation, where a vector is actively transformed into a new one in the same reference system.
We will observe that in three dimensions, these two interpretations result in rotations that can be either clockwise or counterclockwise around the rotation axis.
Rotations in Three Dimensions
Rotation Around the Principal Axes (x,y, and z)
Rotation Around a General Axis
The formula for a change of coordinates as a result of a rotation around an arbitrary axis defined by the unit vector , with and an angle , is called the Rodrigues formula. While there are numerous well-documented methods to derive this formula available in various resources, we will revisit the derivation process, explaining the steps in detail.
Our goal is to find the components of the rotated unit vectors in the reference system as a function of the components of the unit vector and the angle . These components will form the rows of the matrix describing the change of coordinates.
A unit vector in the fixed reference system can be decomposed in the component and respectively parallel and perpendicular toRotation Matrix Around An Arbitrary Axis
Infinitesimal Rotations
Let us consider two rotation matrices and such that,
For a general infinitesimal rotation , the unitary condition implies that the matrix is skew-symmetric, as it satisfies the property
As two infinitesimal rotations commute, the mapping from the group of infinitesimal rotations to is one-to-one and surjective, and we can therefore uniquely identify a rotation by the vector .
We now evaluate the form of the matrix Loading... for a value of the angle that is infinitesimally small. We find that the matrix is given by,
Similarity Transformation of Infinitesimal Rotations
Let us consider a rotation matrix , where is a skew-symmetric matrix of the form,
Rate of Change of a Vector
In this section, we will examine how the coordinates of a given vector change over time in two different reference systems: one that is fixed and another that rotates with respect to the fixed one. While there are numerous resources available that address this topic, we believe it is essential to derive the fundamental equation for the rate of change in a detailed manner. This will ensure that it is clear which components are being referenced in the general equation of motion.
To understand this better, consider a vector in a fixed reference frame and how its components might appear different in a rotating frame. The rotating frame itself can change its orientation with time, adding complexity to the motion of the vector. By carefully deriving the equations, we can delineate the contributions from both the intrinsic change of the vector and the effect of the rotating frame. We will start by defining the vector in the fixed frame and introduce the rotational matrix that relates the rotating frame to the fixed frame. We will then derive the time derivative of the vector in both frames and show how they are connected. This detailed derivation is crucial for a comprehensive understanding of the dynamics involved, especially in applications such as classical mechanics, gyroscopic motion, and the study of rotating systems in physics and engineering. By the end of this section, the reader will have a clear understanding of the rate of change of a vector in both fixed and rotating reference frames, and will be well-equipped to apply these principles to a wide range of physical problems.
Lets consider a time-dependent vector in a fixed reference frame, and its components in a rotating frame . We will assume that the components in the two different reference systems change as per a rotation matrix , which is also time-dependent:Rate Of Change: Direct
A similar formula can be derived for the rate of change of the vector in the fixed frame, as